Where do you call home?
East coast of Australia
How did you connect with PHH?
Before Paramount House Hotel was finished, I had a pop-up art show in the foyer area. The owner, Russ, contacted me to buy a couple of artworks and I guess it all started from there.

What makes a great artist?
Depends what sort of artist you mean, but in the field I’m in I would say someone that doesn’t compromise, someone that is a truth seeker, someone that inspires, someone that probably didn’t start out with money as a priority. Someone that understands the journey is the destination.
Who would play you in your biopic?
I’m not sure that’s possible I wouldn’t wish that burden on anyone (laughs)
Do you believe in fate?
I do, obviously how we have exercised our free will in the past becomes our fate. But Somehow it feels that things may happen for a reason and we no control over that.

What is your new show about?
It’s a spontaneous expression of painting, sculpture and photography. Jessie Prince captures live action as I paint directly onto the melting ice sculptures. The result is a limited edition photographic series, where paint and photography play equal roles.

If you are headed North, check out Marty Baptist and Jessie Prince’s collab in Byron.
HERE NOW- Opening night 10th June 2022 5pm-8pm
Japan National, Unit 7/ 12 Tasman Way, Byron Bay, NSW
Purchase a Marty Baptist x PHH Snake Tapestry
Or visit the Lobby Boy Vending machine to purchase a Marty Baptist original artwork.